Sunday, December 31, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
How Christmas Tastes
We gave Brandon each of his presents, and each one was sampled before we "helped" him open them!! It was a sweet morning, our first Christmas as a family, being spoiled, and just enjoying the quiet chaos. I am sure that next year will be just a little different as Brandon will be running around and babbling we are sure! We spent time visiting both sides of our family, and Brandon was a star. It was an amazing day spent with our families, and time seemed to just zip by.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
2:42 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
5 months young!
Here we are - getting in to the spirit of the season! Tigger seems to be getting smaller and smaller as the months roll by. Brandon is now over 20 pounds and 27 and something inches long. It has been a helluva month, but we are getting through it all!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
2:22 PM
monthly markers
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Festive colours
Brandon has so many smiles it never ceases to warm our hearts. He is even a *good* shopper! The countdown to our first Christmas is under way, and to be honest, it is just taking me a little longer to get everything going. I get distracted by Brandon's smiles all the time. He is definitely getting big - about 20 pounds now and over 27 inches long. He is starting to figure stuff out, and uses his hands to grab things. Nothing is safe though - things are starting to go in his mouth!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:12 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Go Elf Yourself!!!
Check this out - our boy can dance!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
6:53 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
4 months young
I am not sure which of these was my favorite today, I am totally and completely biased but boy is he cute! Brandon is starting to sit up with help, and does some rolling, but I haven't caught him doing a full on front to back (or vice versa) yet. I am sure this will happen sometime in the next few months. Brandon has been a really good baby. He is smiling all the time, and he makes being a parent really easy. Ken and I can't get over just how good he is, and I know we are starry-eyed first time parents! We are getting in to a bit of a routine, although things seem to be shifting and Brandon is starting to fall asleep a little earlier, but we are still staying in bed in the morning, which is probably more about me than anything else. I am a night owl so I am not that concerned if we go to bed a wee bit later... I am trying to curb this a little because I do know that eventually earlier sleeps, could also mean him sleeping completely through the night, which will be a great milestone to hit!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
9:47 PM
monthly markers
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Little help from my toys
Although Brandon needs a bit of a prop, this is his new preferred view of the world. It is hard to believe just how fast everything seems to change from his size to his mannerisms...
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
4:20 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Learning a few new tricks with my hands
Here I am! I am now learning how to grab that blanket, move it around, pull it from my face, and bunch it all up in between my arms. It is hard to believe that in 3 short months my little baby has gone from a very sweet amoeba to this wonderful baby that will grab fingers in his grasp, reward you with smiles, and is discovering his voice. Brandon is not as content to lay down any more, you can watch him struggling to pull himself up and he now prefers to be held in an upright position or propped up sitting, so he can see everything that is going on.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
3:04 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Apres bath!
Brandon seems to change almost every day. Bath time is especially a lot of fun together and Brandon enjoys the cuddles he gets after the fact, and wearing his superman cape ... er... hooded blanket! 4 months is creeping closer and closer, and Brandon is definitely interacting with us and his environment more and more every day. Sunday he got to go on his first ferry ride, met his G.G'ma for the first time, continued to charm the ladies, and is starting to discover his voice. I was really surprised on the ferry that even at his ripe old age, he notices other babies! He would crane in the direction of passing babies from whose ever lap he happened to be sitting in. It was neat to watch, I guess if I now notice women carrying infant seats I guess it is only natural that he would notice the babies?
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
5:04 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
moving on up
Brandon is no longer content to lay down on his back for long periods of time anymore. He spends a fair bit of time on his tummy and has done a few "accidental rolls" which surprise him as much as it does us!! When I play with him on the mat he prefers to be propped up between my legs where he can see what is up in his 'hood. He isn't quite babbling yet, but he does have lots to say!!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
10:00 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Our wee cow.
Our first Hallowe'en is already one for the books, and Brandon looked *so cute* in his outfit. We got out to the grandfolks for some tricks and treats (read charming his grandfolks since Christmas is around the corner, wink wink) and then out to watch Dad play hockey. Next year will be even more fun since Brandon will be walking! It's cool to start to experience holidays with a child - you remember your favorite holiday experiences, and you do your best to create great experiences for your own kids. I remember going out trick or treating, and then with my cheeks bulging with chocolate, watching fireworks huddling close to mom and my eyes filled with wonder.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
12:26 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Those pads are shrinking!
Just over three months old and already growing like a weed! This weekend, Brandon laughed out loud for the first time and since it was for Dad, and then later on for Jax, I have been trying like crazy to coax out a few giggles myself. I get lots of smiles and dimples, but I haven't been able to get the big laugh out of him. Give it time. I will continue to make funny faces, and sounds, and dance with my little wonder, and eventually I know he will give up the big laugh for mom.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
11:43 AM
up against the pads
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Without a care in the world...
How can you not smile when you look at this picture??? Ken snapped this one enjoying a happy moment with his boy :] Smiles are an amazing reward from your toothless wonder, er child!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
12:53 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday Football
3 months is already creeping up in a matter of days. in a word, wow. I couldn't imagine life any different although I did recently realize that we won't really be dining out at any pubs any time in the next while, or not an option when we travel as a family (I happen to be fond of pub meals, or at least in my old life i was lol)! I wonder too what our restaurant experiences are going to be like in the future as well!!! Not better or worse, just a whole new set of experiences to look forward too.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:20 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
A trip outside...
We were out visiting my coz today and Brandon was great. Not really fussy, and cuddled in for a nap. These moments are breathtaking - when you can rest your chin on your child's head while they sleep on your chest and you take a moment to soak it all in....
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:32 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
3 month old outfits
We could call him "stretch" but this is how a 3 month old outfit fits. Needless to say, trying on clothes was an interesting experience as I realized we really need to keep an eye on the early clothes because he is truly growing like a weed!!!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:28 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
A classic foot shot!
At first, I was going to include an "after bath" photo with the towel artfully placed, and what I really wanted to do was post a classic foot shot of Brandon's feet. Need I say more?
We are battling through our first cold, and it has made the rounds of our house. We have been out for some big walks to get some fresh air, especially since the rains are said to actually come soon. The weather has been fabulous and Brandon seems to enjoy being in the stroller, looking out and taking it all in. He also has all the cashiers charmed at the local grocery store!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
11:25 AM
those feet
Friday, October 06, 2006
Looking up!
Well, I am now able to hold my head up during tummy time!! I am also able to hold smaller objects, and my hands are opening up a lot more. Brandon is getting more curious about his surroundings, and we alternate between days where it seems like we have a handle on the eat, play, and sleep routine and days where all he wants to do is catnap and not get lots of rest in between everything else.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
11:20 AM
Friday, September 29, 2006
Cool Dude
Brandon flew through his 2 month doctor's appointment. I am happy to say that the easy part was being weighed and measured. His is 24 3/4 inches long and 13 pounds 12 ounces! We have a big boy that seems to have caught up weight-wise in relation to his height. He changes every few days, and it truly does seem like he grows over night sometimes. He slept through the night on Monday and Tuesday, and then the doctor's appointment and vaccinations threw him off on Wednesday. Yesterday we went for a huge walk together, and today we are trying to take things a little easier. I am trying to encourage a real nap instead of a 20 minute cat nap. Yes, that longer nap is more for me than him!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
12:49 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Getting ready for training camp...
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
4:35 PM
up against the pads
Friday, September 15, 2006
Motor skill development
Tummy time is starting to get a little more interesting as I can "help" Brandon hold on to teething rings and other smaller toys. His gurgles, coos, and smiles are just awesome. So far Brandon hasn't lost much of that baby hair - a bit from the front but new hair is already growing in. His eyes are big and blue, and he is finding his voice, one sound at a time. Last few days I have been up more during the day, and it seems like we can nail down a night time routine but day time is a whole other story.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
4:38 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I think someone warned me how fast time goes
Today will be "catch up day". Check back the last few posts since I will attempt to spend some time today making some updates to this left at the wayside synopsis of my son's life.
On the advice of some good friends, I have made a great discovery. Here is an unsolicited plug for a cool Canadian product that new moms (or moms to be) would find to be a life saver, or a really empowering hands free device: the star sling. Check them out, reasonable price, ships quick, and puts babies to sleep!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
12:16 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
A summer's day...
This is our first outing to Rocky Point!
Pardon me as I wax poetic for a moment... the sun was shining, the smell of the sea was in the air, and the wind was rustling through the trees and I got to hold my honey's hand while we walked we our wee babe in the woods. Does it get much better than this?
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:07 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
A month old...
At a month I am waving my hands around, making some gurgling noises and if I had to have a first word, it would be "waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh". I have had my first bath, first doctor's appointment, first walk... time flies!
Brandon has legions of smitten fans, and it has been great to have so many visits from friends and family showering us with their generosity and love. Brandon is very blessed and has been truly welcomed to this world.
Everything doesn't come easily, but it is a learning process with a steep curve and I feel really positive. Brandon sleeps pretty well through the night (midnight until 5am) and I feel good about how things are going over all. There are hurdles (breast feeding is not as easy as you think it will be, for a natural process it certainly doesn't go as smoothly as you figure it will although things are sorting out) and then unexpected moments of joy like when you are rewarded with the hint of a smile, or he cuddles in to me, or he lifts and moves his head when he gets his tummy time.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:13 PM
monthly markers
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Almost a month
This has been a week of firsts! The first time that Brandon grabbed and successfully pulled off my glasses, pulled my hair, sat in a bouncy chair, chilled outside in the backyard for a good stretch of time, and got carted around in a moses basket. Everything is redefined through the eyes of a wee babe and it takes my breath away to see things again for the first time. Or to hear things, or even to smell things and wonder what Brandon thinks about it all...
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
3:08 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
3 weeks!
So damn cute, and well, Brandon was amazing at the wedding, and didn't fuss, and was the unofficial star of the night! We had a great time, stayed out a little later than we expected, and all in all, it was a great night out. I can't believe my son made it up to Grouse about 28 years before I did the first time! Funny how when you live somewhere all your life you spend more time seeing the sites away from home than in your home towns.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:06 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Big outing day
Already starting to grow and change! Who would have guessed at the big blues a few weeks ago when his eyes were more swollen and didn't open nearly so big?
Tonight should be a big night! We are going to a wedding of an old friend of mine from my university days. I am really looking forward to a quick catch up with her and her hubby, especially since it has been almost a year since I saw her (them) last. See, she went across the pond to find her groove and managed to find herself a wonderful chap. They are celebrating their renewal vows tonight on top of Grouse Mountain, and it should be a beautiful event. I can't wait to be a part of the celebrations, and to share it with my men too!!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
3:38 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Fire Hose.
You think that I would learn. And here, he looks just so damn sweet.
Nope. I would offer a few words of caution to the mother of a new son... when changing diapers, you need to have that extra washcloth handy. You never know when that burst of fresh air on the nether regions or the coldness of the petroleum jelly triggers the "let loose" and "aim where ever" chain reaction.
I think I am already losing count at the times that I have had to grab the washcloth, the blanket, pull off wet socks, and wash down my own body parts after being hit with what should be termed a dangerous weapon.
Amazing the things you can learn! Old dogs can be taught new tricks!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
12:17 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
A first of many

Welcome to our first post!
We will try to post as things happen, and include lots of pictures to help document the many changes and adventures we know are already taking place.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
1:44 PM