Friday, July 13, 2007

Coming home!

Keeping up with the theme of stopping to smell the roses, Brandon and I stopped at Goldpan Provincial Park.. a little more north from Skihist. Here we had a snack, and Brandon shoved a good portion of a raspberry strudel in his mouth.. heading home after a good holiday always feels great. When we got home, spent a great afternoon with Ken until Brandon's 7th tooth decided to make a fairly miserable entrance in to the world with a bit of teething.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2007
Happy First Birthday, Brandon!
I hope you had a big gooey ice cream cone today that you enjoyed every lick of! And how much got in your hair or all over is just part of the fun. I hope your next year will be as wonderful, loving and fun-filled as your first year.
Auntie Kathy