So this teething thing sometimes gets in the way of introducing solid foods. We have been on at least rice cereal now for a few weeks, and have added apples, and bananas, and sweet potatoes. Next up - carrots. I have never been as aware of food, bowel movements, and sleep as I am now. Then when teething rears its ugly head, that whole parental triad can go out the window as far as what is normal(for each particular child because as I have quickly (re)learned normal is completely a subjective experience) is concerned. Some days Brandon is an amazing eater, and then other days, he wants nothing to do with solids and wears most of my efforts all over his face and hands, and well, he could take or leave his bottle. At times like this I try to keep in mind that he is not going to starve himself and he is still b'feeding, and frankly, he isn't a little baby by any stretch of the imagination. The first tooth seemed to break through so easily, I am surprised at how the second tooth is creating such a fuss, then it seems back down again and the teething subsides... this cycle has repeated itself over the last few weeks, each time sending me seeking out teething advice, and then wondering when the next tooth is going to punch through the surface of his gums, and what I could possibly be doing different. Naps and our sleep schedule went a bit out the window for a bit, and then, with some effort, we seem to be back on an even keel of thing again. Everything seems to work better if we get up earlier in the day rather than later in the day. I think at times I am so aware of Brandon's sleep because I can have such a problem myself falling asleep. It isn't so much staying asleep for me, but getting there. I can't count the nights where I lay there, wondering when my eyes are going to droop.