Trying to make note of the monthly markers has gotten a tad more difficult - to put it mildly. Sit quietly with a stuffie? Have you met our son??? I have a bunch of blurry pictures of Brandon with Tigger in the chair, until I finally resorted to having Tigger on the coffee table and Brandon having his will with the poor stuffie. Hard to believe that Brandon is 10 months old now!

At 10 months, Brandon is pulling himself up to a stand and can babble up a storm (remind you of anyone??). My heart still soars when I hear the "mumumumums" since it was "dadadadada" for the longest time. Every now and then he squeaks out what sounds like a word, but it is just an experimental stage and cool to experience. Brandon still has 6 teeth, and we are getting out for as many walks as we can. Brandon is pretty much over the perfectly pureed baby food - he loves to get his hands, face, and hair in to the whole eating experience.
1 comment:
what a darling!!!!!and we're not biased at all...lol...how are you??talk soon michelle,rob and mckenna
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