Wednesday, January 24, 2007

6 months young

Neither one of us can believe that Brandon is 6 months young today. It seems like there have been a lot of milestones in the last few weeks - he is starting solid food, he cut his first tooth and we all agree that teething sucks the big one and his second one is attempting to poke through as well, he is rolling from his back to his front and can push himself backwards quite quickly (likes to get himself yammed underneath our TV stand.. which of course means I am a bad mom because I watch him and kind of laugh, and then rescue him), he can do raspberries, and well, he continues to charm us completely. I am sure that I have overlooked something! He has been a lucky duffer in the last few days - he got spoiled by Auntie Nej and the Boys with a special delivery box o'goodies and by his Auntie Mare (and Uncle Sean although he didn't come out to play) tonight . How sweet is that???

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

6 months. OMG.

Consider the box o' stuff his half-birthday present. :D