Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I am clean!!!
It seems that it is in the bath tub that Brandon likes to practise pulling himself up and standing. The edge of the tub is just the right height for him and I just kick back and watch, with my hands hovering on either side of him just in case. I am glad that he loves water (so far). Water babies is going really well - he has floated on his back, been under water, and even gone on a big water slide twice. I am impressed, and so happy to be doing water babies together. I really hope that Brandon loves the water even half as much as I do. I can see lots of trips to the pool and beach in our future!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
9:15 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
8 months young
Brandon is now 8 months old, and he has 4 teeth and is working on his next top tooth. Solids are fairly well established, and we have gone with more fruits than vegetables, but I am trying to strike a reasonable balance between the two. Brandon still crawls backwards, and in circles, and is really, really close to getting in to high gear and moving forwards. This is a kid that really wants to move and is just a smidgen away from making it happen. The months are clicking by way too quickly - it seems unreal that Brandon is already 8 months old and becoming a little tall boy. His laughs are precious, and he rarely cries. I would still say that he has taught me as much as I have taught him.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
5:14 PM
monthly markers
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The shrinking pads
It is getting harder and harder to take "static" shots of Brandon when he is awake. When he is up, he wants to be on the go-go-go! Trying to get him to stay still while I snapped a few pictures was next to impossible. As you can see, he is at the stage where everything about the hockey pads is interesting, and can go straight in his mouth - which isn't necessarily a good thing!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
10:18 PM
up against the pads
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Introducing food is going pretty well, we are pretty much focused on lunch being the meal that includes solids, and we are starting to include dinner with some solids as well to get all of us used to the idea of eating around the table. Brandon hasn't seemed all that keen of the mashed up naners in cereal, so I handed him one the other day. He loved the texture, and being able to use it as body paint. It was funny, I just kicked back and let it happen, having a few washclothes handy. It is cool watching him figure stuff out.
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
10:23 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
We have 3 teeth!
Although you can't see it, Brandon got his third tooth yesterday! He has the bottom 2, and then he is startd from the left, the second front tooth (incisor?). The front tooth is going to be right behind it since it looks like it is pretty close as well. Teething was far worse for the bottom two as oppsed to the top ones (so far, knock on wood).
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
10:26 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
So cute.
Just a quick snap because Brandon was having a particularly cute moment! No, I am definitely not biased or anything. It is amazing how fast babies change - he isn't the wee bundled up baby that he used to be. I'd like to think that I make an effort to take a deep breath and enjoy the small moments (and the big ones too).
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
2:00 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Racing jacket
In honor of the grandfolks heading south to watch the fast cars race, Brandon donned what we call his racing duds. Granted, it is amazing how fast he can do laps of the living room... in reverse gear!
Posted by
Brandon and his Folks
2:04 PM